Title 江戸のリサイクル(1) Recycling in the Edo Era (1)
Unit/Lesson No. Recycle/Lesson 7
Topic Lifestyle and garbage in the Edo Era
Function Comparison, brainstorm
Focus Learn the relationship between lifestyle and garbage in the Edo Era and compare them with current situations.

Purpose of This Lesson

Students will learn about the relationship between lifestyle and the amount of garbage produced during the Edo Era. They will make comparison with current lifestyles and issues concerning garbage.

Teacher Instructions

  1. Before class, prepare the handout and transparency.

  2. Show the picture of the city of Edo to introduce the Tokugawa capital, using Script 1 and the picture on Transparency 1.

  3. Explain the activities using Transparency 2. Distribute Handout 1. Have students read the passage first and then complete activities 1 & 2 individually. Check their answers using the transparency.

  4. Explain activity 3 and have students work on it in pairs. Check their answers.

  5. Explain activity 4 and have students brainstorm in groups of three. Share their answers with the whole class.

  6. Explain activity 5 and have students discuss in groups of three or four. Based on their discussion, have the whole class discuss the issues.

Teacher Presentation Sample Scripts

Script 1


Answer Key to Student Activities

1. a.リユース

2. No, because people in the Edo Era were using things carefully and even when those items became old or broken, they repaired and reused them.

3. (Answers may vary.) ex. a. e. f

4. ex. 冷蔵庫を修理して使っています。


Website sources:


Leaning from Recycling during the Edo Period, WAHOO! Spring 2002


Visual resources:



Handout 1

Read the following paragraph and answer the questions.




<Useful Vocabulary>

1. ありあまる = overabundant 2. しゅうりする = to repair 3. しょうばい = business
4. としてなりたつ = to be realized as 5. つかいすてのじだい = "throwaway" era 6. いきる = to live
7. せいかつ = life, lifestyle

1. Which one of the "3Rs" were people exercising during the Edo Era?

a. リデュース b. リユース c. リサイクル

2. According to the passage, was there a lot of garbage produced during the Edo Era? Why or why not?

Yes / No

Reason(s): _____________________________________________________


3. Work in pairs. The following are items which people in Edo repaired and reused. Circle the ones that people in contemporary society repair and reuse. Can you come up with any other items people repair and reuse?

a. 着物 (服) b. なべ c. せともの

d. ほうき e. ほうちょう f. げた (くつ)

g. かさ h. めがね i. かぎ

4. In groups of three, brainstorm and write down all the items you and your family repair and reuse, and why. Share the results with the class.

例:  車を修理して乗っています。新しい車を買うのはお金がかかるからです。





5. Discuss the following in groups of three or four.

At the end of the passage, it says “使い捨ての時代に生きている私達には、江戸時代の生活からたくさん学べることがありそうです.”

·      What aspect of Edo lifestyle should we employ?

·      Why do you think we should practice them?

·      What obstacles might you encounter?

·      How can we overcome them?

Transparency 1

江戸の町の風景 (安藤広重)


Transparency 2

same as Handout 1


Have students discuss problems concerning repairing and reusing items in modern lifestyle - whether repairing might cost more than purchasing a new item or whether it is possible to get only needed parts for further use instead of buying a whole new item.