Suggested time limit: less than 60 minutes per skill
Test Details
Teachers and students will be able to see an estimated proficiency level and scaled score for students who have finished the reading section.
Teachers will have the option of grading their students' answers to the speaking and writing sections. A rubric is provided.
The reading section is computer adaptive. Students who answer items correctly will receive more difficult test questions. The speaking and writing sections are not adaptive.
The reading section consists of multiple choice questions. Speaking and writing sections are open ended.
A panel of outside evaluators has reviewed Persian CAP.
Test Purpose
Persian CAP is designed to provide a general estimate of students' language proficiency. Test results can be used for reflective teaching and program evaluation.
CASLS developed Persian CAP in partnership with the Hagop Kevorkian Center at New York University. The center fosters interdisciplinary study of the modern and contemporary Middle East and enhances public understanding of the region. Their activities focus on the histories, politics, economics, religions, cultures, and languages of the area stretching from North Africa to Central Asia. The U.S. Department of Education Title VI program funded Persian CAP.