TITLE | Comment résoudre le problème? |
UNIT/ACTIVITY NO. | Étude d’un pays/Activity 4 |
TOPIC | Application of country research |
FUNCTION | Clarify, describe, respond, apply |
FOCUS | Creative solutions and presentations of problems discussed, solutions presented |
Step 1. | Prepare copies of Student Handouts 1, 2, and 3 in order to explain the summative assessment. |
Step 2. | Have students take out their homework résumés (see Activity 3). |
Step 3. | Students should pair-up with a partner and share their résumés. Peer editing can take place at this time. Teachers can also go around to see that all students have completed their résumés. Students will need this homework until they are done creating the visual aid. |
Step 4. | After 5 minutes of sharing in pairs, each pair will have one minute to “introduce” each other’s issue. Each student should describe their partner’s résumé briefly. The teacher should ask clarifying questions to ensure that the whole class understands the issues. |
Step 5. | Distribute and explain the Student Handouts. Discuss the grading criteria and teacher expectations for the summative assessment. Remind students that they are representing their country of study and should address their problem from this point of view. |
Step 6. | Allow students time to work on the poster project. Circulate in the classroom to each student to judge their progress and engagement. Offer encouragement and aid those students who are struggling. |
Step 7. | As class ends, allow students to select a presentation time during the next class period for presenting their visual aid. |
Art supplies (paper, pens, old magazines, colored pencils, etc.), dictionaries and Internet access.
Offer extra credit or bonus points to students who dress up in the traditional clothing of their country.
Students might enjoy quiet music of the region while they work. There are many excellent sources for ordering international music. The local university, public, or school library may also be a useful source.
Handout 1
Pour ce projet, vous avez trouvé des références à propos de l’actualité de votre pays. Vous allez utiliser ces références comme point de départ pour faire une affiche. De plus, vous allez faire une petite présentation devant la classe—et vous allez recueillir des informations grâce à vos camarades.
L’affiche. Vous allez créer une affiche qui a comme but l’éducation de la communauté globale. Il faut expliquer le problème que vous avez abordé ainsi que des solutions possibles. Les solutions peuvent faire appel à des ressources du pays en question ainsi qu’à l’aide des autres pays. Fabriquez une affiche avec un slogan entraînant. Cherchez des décorations et des images pour rendre votre affiche plus intéressante.
La présentation. Vous allez présenter l’information à propos de votre pays d’une façon intéressante. En faisant référence à votre affiche, discutez pendant plus de deux minutes du problème soulevé par votre recherche, ainsi que de quelques solutions.
Handout 2
Poster Presentation Grading Rubic
PURPOSE | The subject of the poster is evident. The country name and slogan are clearly visible. Additional ideas/images are appropriate to the topic and presented effectively. The purpose of the piece is clearly communicated. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
DETAILS | Appropriate and accurate details support the main ideas and have been carefully selected. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
PRESENTATION | The overall organization, layout, and design help make the poster interesting. The poster is neat, presentable, original and creative. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
Care has been taken to assure that there are no errors in usage, spelling, and punctuation. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
Handout 3
Speaking Presentation Grading Rubic
IDEAS AND CONTENT | The content is clear, focused and well-suited to the audience and purpose. Main ideas significantly draw the audience’s attention and are developed by strong and compelling supporting details. The communication is characterized by insightful connections and conclusions where more than one perspective is considered. The speaker uses and cites a variety of resources that provide credible support and detail. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
ORGANIZATION | The organization enhances the main ideas and their development. The order and structure are strong and support the audience’s understanding and involvement. The speaker uses a creative introduction and details that are carefully selected to enhance the purpose and message. Smooth transitions and an imaginative conclusion contribute to the over-all message. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
LANGUAGE | The language is original, with an appropriate range of vocabulary selected to impact the purpose and impress the audience. The intended message is clearly conveyed and word choice is precise and vivid and invokes an appropriate emotional response from the audience. Speaker’s use of grammar does not interfere with the meaning and is comprehensible to a sympathetic interlocutor. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |
DELIVERY | The speaker communicates through effective eye contact and other non-verbal cues that allows audience involvement. The speaker clearly enunciates and pronounces vocabulary correctly. The speaker delivers the speech fluently, varying rate, volume, tone, and voice inflection which adds to the purpose and meaning. |
Excellent (5) Good(4) Fair(3) Mediocre(2) Poor(1) |