TITLE | Les régions: “Comment distingue-t-on un endroit d’un autre?” |
UNIT/ACTIVITY NO. | La Géographie / Activity 7 |
TOPIC | Geographic regions of the world |
FUNCTION | Provide detailed descriptions |
FOCUS | Distinguishing regions of the world, physically and culturally |
Teacher Instructions
Step 1. | Prepare color overheads or pictures of different regions of the world; these images can include pictures of people and daily activities. Or, allow students to use atlases and choose different images within the atlas. |
Step 2. | Prepare copies of Handouts 1, 2, and 3 for student use. |
Step 3. | Begin by asking students to work in pairs to list the regions of the world. You may get many questions, but just ask students to do their best, using their own definition. |
Step 4. | Ask students to share as a whole class. List their responses on the overhead or the board. Ask these follow-up questions:
Step 5. | Display several prepared images. Ask students to identify which regions are demonstrated by the image and ask students to justify their choices. |
Step 6. | Tell students they are going to start a project that will have them put to use all of the themes they have been learning. Students should then move to get copies of Handouts 1, 2, and 3. |
Step 7. | Go over these handouts as a class and give students work time. |
Step 8. | Students should complete project for homework although you could schedule in one more day for student work if needed. |
This lesson will briefly introduce students to the concept of region, the basic unit of study in geography. A region is an area that displays a coherent unity in terms of the government, language, or possibly the landform or situation. Regions are human constructs that can be mapped and analyzed.
There are three basic types of regions.
Students could create their own groups to work on the brocuhure, or it might be better for the teacher to create working groups that would include students of all abilities and interests—an editor, an artist, a lay-out specialist.
Handout 1
Des vacances de rêve!
Vous allez créer une brochure concernant vos vacances de rêve. Où est-ce vous voudriez aller?
Travaillez avec un groupe de deux ou trois personnes. Décidez de l’endroit où vous voudriez aller. Puis, répondez aux questions suivantes:
Nous voudrions aller à (au, aux): ______________________________________________________________.
1. | Décrivez l’emplacement de cet endroit. Où se-trouve cet endroit par rapport aux autres pays? Dans quelle hémisphère? Donnez la longitude et la latitude de quelques grandes villes. |
2. | Décrivez les traits à caractère physique du pays—les rivières, les montagnes, etc. Décrivez les traits à caractère cuturel comme l’architecture, le système de transports, les musées, les plages, etc. |
3. | Décrivez les relations entre la population et l’environnment. Comment la population s’est-elle adaptée à l’environnment? Comment l’a-t’til changée? Dans quelle mesure la population dépend-elle des ressources naturelles? |
4. | Quelles sont les routes empruntées par la population, les marchandises et les idées? |
5. | Décrivez les caractéristiques de cette région. |
Handout 2
Maintenant que vous avez répondu aux questions, commencez votre brochure. Vous allez présenter vos vacances de rêve d’une façon intéressante et vous allez recueillir des informations grâce aux présentations de vos camarades.
Il faut passer par les étapes suivantes:
Quelques aspects à prendre en considération pour votre présentation:
Utilisez des exemples ainsi que votre imagination! Bonne chance!
Handout 3
Rubric for assessing the brochure:
1. | Does the brochure give enough information that the reader knows where to find this place? Include a map and travel information! |
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor |
2. | Does the brochure tell what is significant about this place (historical importance, tourist attractions, famous residents, significant industries, etc.)? |
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor |
3. | Does the brochure directly or indirectly address all five themes of geography? |
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor |
4. | Are there interesting pictures? Do they help to tell the story or do they just seem to be filling up space? (Pictures with people are usually more effective but pictures of well-known landmarks or beautiful scenery can work with or without people in the photos.) |
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor |
5. | Does the brochure make the reader want to visit this place? Is the language persuasive? |
Excellent Good Satisfactory Poor |