Title |
La comida en los dialectos del español |
Unit/Activity No. |
Food History/Activity 1 |
Geographic Topic |
regional variation in language |
Language Topic |
food |
Language Function |
identify, ask contextualized questions |
Language Standard |
1.1, 3.1 |
Geography Standard |
10 |
Step 1. | Place the English vocabulary list located on Transparency 1 on the overhead. Say to the students: En el caso de las lenguas que se hablan en regiones geográficas diversas, es común que haya una diversidad de vocabulario. De cada grupo de expresiones, ¿Cuál se usa más frecuentemente en tu región? ¿Dónde se usan los demás términos? Invite the students to share other terms that differ in the English-speaking world. |
Step 2. | Place students in pairs giving one partner Handout 1 and the other partner Handout 2. This is an information gap activity in which the students need to work together to fill in their chart. The student that has Handout 1 has some of the answers that the student with Handout 2 does not (information gap) and vice versa. Say to the students: Quizás este fenómeno se ve más claramente con la comida. En el mundo hispanohablante, hay una riqueza de términos relacionados con los alimentos; cada región tiene productos únicos que no existen en otros lugares, y muchas veces el mismo alimento tiene un nombre diferente según la región. Have the students form questions to find out what they are missing: En Venezuela la banana se dice “cambur”. ¿Qué se dice en España? |
Step 3. | To debrief the activity, invite any native speakers in the class to share any different food terms that they know. Ask the pairs of students to come up with a theory as to why there are varied names. (There is no correct answer here, just encourage the theories. Make sure to mention the potential influence of French, Dutch, and Portuguese colonists, the impact of the slave trade from Africa, indigenous words, etc.) |
Handout 1
¡Es pan comido!
Estudiante A: Llena los huecos preguntándole a tu compañero.
Los hablantes del inglés dicen |
En México dicen |
En Venezuela se dice |
En Chile la gente dice |
En España se dice |
En Puerto Rico dicen |
En Costa Rica se dice |
En el Ecuador se dice |
banana |
plátano |
plátano |
banano |
tomato |
tomate |
tomate |
tomate |
tomate |
tomate |
green peas |
chícharos |
arvejas |
arvejas |
guisantes |
guisantes |
--- |
guisantes |
beans |
frijoles |
habichuelas/ caraotas |
habas habichuelas |
--- |
habichuelas/ habas/frijoles |
green beans |
ejote |
chauchas |
judías verdes |
--- |
--- |
papaya |
lechosa |
papaya |
--- |
--- |
--- |
grapefruit |
toronja |
toronja |
pomelo |
toronja |
--- |
--- |
--- |
corn |
elote |
maíz |
--- |
--- |
potatoes |
papas |
papas |
papas |
papas |
papas |
tamale |
hallaca |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
cornbread |
arepa |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
omelette |
omelette |
--- |
--- |
tortilla |
--- |
--- |
--- |
beets |
betabel |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
batata |
--- |
--- |
--- |
apricot |
chabacano |
--- |
damasco |
--- |
--- |
--- |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
cacahuete maní |
--- |
--- |
--- |
peach |
durazno |
durazno |
melocotón |
durazno |
durazno |
mushrooms |
--- |
champiñones |
--- |
--- |
popcorn |
palomitas |
palomitas |
--- |
--- |
choclo |
cake |
pastel/torta panqué |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Handout 2
¡Es pan comido!
Estudiante B: Llena los huecos preguntándole a tu compañero.
Los hablantes del inglés dicen |
En México dicen |
En Venezuela se dice |
En Chile la gente dice |
En España se dice |
En Puerto Rico dicen |
En Costa Rica se dice |
En el Ecuador se dice |
plátano |
cambur |
plátano |
plátano |
banana |
guineo |
tomato |
jitomate |
tomate |
tomate |
tomate |
tomate |
green peas |
arvejas |
arvejas |
beans |
frijoles |
porotos |
judías/alubia/ habichuelas |
--- |
green beans |
ejote |
porotos verdes |
chauchas |
--- |
--- |
habichuelas verdes |
papaya |
papaya |
mamón |
papaya |
--- |
--- |
--- |
grapefruit |
toronja |
--- |
--- |
--- |
corn |
maíz |
--- |
maíz |
--- |
--- |
choclo |
potatoes |
papas |
papas |
papas |
patatas |
papas |
papas |
papas |
tamale |
tamal |
hallaca |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
cornbread |
tortilla |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
omelette |
--- |
--- |
tortilla |
--- |
--- |
--- |
beets |
betabel |
--- |
betarraga |
remolacha |
--- |
--- |
--- |
yam |
camote |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
--- |
apricot |
--- |
albaricoque |
--- |
--- |
--- |
peanut |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
cacahuate |
peach |
durazno |
durazno |
durazno |
melocotón |
durazno |
durazno |
mushrooms |
hongos/ champiñones |
setas |
--- |
--- |
setas |
Cotufas |
cabritas |
palomitas |
--- |
--- |
cake |
--- |
--- |
tarta/pastel |
--- |
--- |
--- |
Transparency 1
1. truck, lorry
2. lift, elevator
3. (paper) bag, sack
4. faucet, spigot
5. soda, pop, coke
6. hoagie, gyro, sub
7. cornmeal, polenta, mamaliga
8. couch, davenport, sofa
9. patio, veranda