Baseball 野球 |
Just as football is an everyday topic in American culture,
baseball is an integral part of everyday life in Japan. Every summer,
koshien, the national high school baseball tournament, occupies many TV
screens during the daytime and professional baseball games show up at
family dinner tables. As more and more Japanese players contribute to
the Major League Baseball, baseball has become a popular topic in Japanese-speaking
communities in the U.S.
アメリカ文化にとってフットボールが毎日の生活に欠かせないように、野球は日本の生活の一部である。毎年夏になると、全国高校野球大会の「甲子園」がブラウン管を朝から夕方まで占領し、夜になると、家族はプロ野球を映すテレビを囲んで夕食をとる。メジャーリーグで活躍する日本人選手の増加に伴い、野球はアメリカの日本人社会の中でもよく話題に上るようになった。 |
Objectives Students will be able to... |
Social Studies Standards
- demonstrate understanding of the influence of historical realities
on baseball
- compare Japanese and American baseball cultures
Second Language Standards
- use baseball terms
- describe a baseball team
- demonstrate understanding of a baseball player's philosophy
Students will create a poster in groups to advertise a
new Japanese professional baseball team.
グループで架空の野球チームを作り、そのチームの宣伝用ポスターを作る。 |
Students learn basic baseball vocabulary, including Japan-born katakana
日本で生まれたカタカナ言葉も含めた 野球の基本用語を学ぶ。 |