Tokugawa Japan 徳川の時代
Introduction |
This first unit introduces
students to key historical events and social changes during the Edo Period
in Japan (1600-1868). Students also learn the comparative history of Japan
and the U.S. from the 17th through the 19th century.
Summative Assessment |
Student will create a Web page comparing 17th -19th century
Japan-U.S. history.
グループプロジェクトとして学生は日本とアメリカの歴史を比較するウェブページを作り、発表する。 |
Unit Organization and Lessons
Part 1: Tokugawa Bakufu and Daimyo: 徳川幕府と大名
The unit begins by providing students with a pretext for the emergence
of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a shogun (military dictator) who took over Japan
and established the Tokugawa Bakufu (military government) in 1600.
Students will learn that prior to the Edo period, Japan was a divided
county with local daimyos (feudal lords) who fought each other in
order to take control of the whole country. Students will discover
in the lessons that follow how the Tokugawa Bakufu sought to control
the nation by ranking daimyos by blood ties and whether or not the
daimyo had sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara,
and then locating them in different sections of the country according
to their rank.
1600年に全国を統一し徳川幕府を開いた将軍、徳川家康の出現までの経緯を紹介する。江戸時代以前の日本は分裂していて、各地の大名が全国統一をもくろみ勢力闘争を繰り返していた。徳川幕府は血縁関係や関ヶ原の戦いで徳川側についたか否かによって大名を三つの階級に分け、それぞれの階級の大名を戦略的に全国各地に配置することにより、全国統一に成功した。 |