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Tokugawa Japan 徳川の時代

This first unit introduces students to key historical events and social changes during the Edo Period in Japan (1600-1868). Students also learn the comparative history of Japan and the U.S. from the 17th through the 19th century.


Summative Assessment
  Student will create a Web page comparing 17th -19th century Japan-U.S. history.

Unit Organization and Lessons


Part 1: Tokugawa Bakufu and Daimyo: 徳川幕府と大名
The unit begins by providing students with a pretext for the emergence of Tokugawa Ieyasu, a shogun (military dictator) who took over Japan and established the Tokugawa Bakufu (military government) in 1600. Students will learn that prior to the Edo period, Japan was a divided county with local daimyos (feudal lords) who fought each other in order to take control of the whole country. Students will discover in the lessons that follow how the Tokugawa Bakufu sought to control the nation by ranking daimyos by blood ties and whether or not the daimyo had sided with Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara, and then locating them in different sections of the country according to their rank.


Lesson 1 Tokugawa Bakufu and Daimyo (1)

徳川幕府と大名(1) Download Word
Lesson 2 Tokugawa Bakufu and Daimyo (2)

徳川幕府と大名(2) Download Word
Lesson 3 Tokugawa Bakufu and Daimyo (3)

徳川幕府と大名(3) Download Word


Part 2: Seclusion and Expansion: 鎖国と開拓

Students examine how the Tokugawa Bakufu maintained its control and kept the country at peace for almost 270 years by exercising strong control over the daimyos and enforcing a seclusion policy toward the rest of the world. This period of peace and stability is contrasted with the history of 18th-19th century America, when the United States fought for its independence from England and began its expansion to the West.


Lesson 4 Seclusion and Expansion (1)

鎖国と開拓(1) Download Word
Lesson 5 Seclusion and Expansion (2)

鎖国と開拓(2) Download Word


Part 3: Arrival of Perry: ペリーの来航

Students learn how Japan’s long period of isolation ended when President Fillmore ordered naval officer Matthew C. Perry to lead an expedition to Japan to demand treaty relations in the mid-19th century. By studying paintings of the American war vessels (the “black ships”) and portraits of Perry, students learn of the mixed feeling of fear and curiosity Japan felt toward the West.


Lesson 6 Arrival of Perry (1)

ペリーの来航(1) Download Word
Lesson 7 Arrival of Perry (2)

ペリーの来航(2) Download Word
Lesson 8 Arrival of Perry (3)

ペリーの来航(3) Download Word


Part 4: A New Era: 新しい時代

Students compare and contrast the development of the two countries during the last half of the 19th century. Social discontent and military activity in Japan ended 270 years of feudal rule and the Tokugawa Bakufu was replaced by a stronger centralized government. This is contrasted with the historical turning point of the United States when four years of Civil War united the country under a federal government. During the last half of the 19th century, both Japan and the U.S. experienced accelerated industrial development and important political turning points in their history. Students will come to understand that although the two countries took different paths, both Japan and the United States experienced a critical moment of their history at the same time.
In a final group project, students produce a Web site that will trace the comparative history of these two countries in the 17 th -19th centuries. Each group identifies a social change that took place during that period which either marks a contrast between Japan and the U.S. (such as Japan’s seclusion policy vs. American expansionism) or reveals a similarity between the two countries (industrial development in the late 19th century). Students gather visual materials that illustrate their main points, write a brief description of each illustration, and compile the images and text to make a simple Web page. Web pages from each group are then gathered together to make a class Web site on U.S.-Japan comparative history.


Lesson 9 A New Era (1)

新しい時代(1) Download Word
Lesson 10 A New Era (2)

新しい時代(2) Download Word
Lesson 11 A Web Site on U.S.-Japan Comparative history

日米比較史のウェブサイトを作ろう Download Word

Web and Literature Sources
  日本史年表 Timelines of Japanese History (日本語 & English)
by Emuseum at Minnesota State University

Basic history information at

れきはく*子供と親のページ by National Museum of Japanese History (国立歴史民俗博物館)The日本の歴史を見よう!page:

子どもが見た「鎖国の窓 出島」長崎市立朝日小学校

ペリー来航150年 慶応義塾大学三田メディアセンター展示委員会

Gordon, Andrew. The Modern History of Japan: From Tokugawa Times to The Present. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003

Pyle, Kenneth B. The Making of Modern Japan. Lexington, Mass.: Heath, 1978

Schirokauer, Conrad A Brief History of Chinese And Japanese Civilization, New York : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1978

Varley, H. Paul. Japanese Culture: A Short History. New York: Praeger, 1977

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