- Levels: Elementary school, middle school, high school, university
- Languages: Any
- Cost: Free of charge
We know teachers have so much to do. Many of us at CASLS have been in your shoes: long nights grading, meeting with parents, attending planning meetings with colleagues, and somehow finding time to support students’ interpersonal and intellectual development. We want to make finding quality teaching materials a little easier and a whole lot less time consuming.
InterCom is a bi-weekly email digest that offers just-in-time information in easy-to-digest portions. We monitor professional online communications such as listservs, blogs, and organizational websites to find the most relevant, useful information and resources for language professionals.
Each InterCom issue includes:
- Topic of the Week: A video and ideas for implementation about an issue relevant to language teaching and learning
- Links We Like: Links to carefully selected publications, language-specific resources, and professional development opportunities
- Quick Takes: Conversation starters and infographics about contemporary issues
- CASLS Spotlight: A highlight of Title VI Language Resource Center activities
Additional Resources
Methods instructors find InterCom a helpful resource to include in their curriculum. Learn more about integrating InterCom into the curriculum by downloading our PDF brochure.
InterCom Issues
Volume 1: Artificial Intelligence
Issue 1: Welcome to InterCom 3.0!
Issue 2: A Closer Look at AI and Language Learning
Issue 3: AI Image Generators and Thinking Routines
Volume 2: Communication is Wonderfully Complex
Issue 1: Pragmatics 101 (Updated YouTube Video:
Issue 2: Language Variety
Issue 3: Language and Power
Volume 3: Multimodality
Issue 1: How to Make Meaning
Issue 2: How Can Multimodality Improve Your Intercultural Communicative Competence?
Issue 3: Using Multimodalities to Tell a Story
Volume 4: Professional Learning Communities
Issue 1: Establishing Collaborative Communities
Issue 2: Stress, Rest, and Accountability
Issue 3: Digital Tools for Collaboration
Volume 5: Best Practices for Assessment
Issue 1: Effective Assessment Practices
Issue 2: Difficulties in ICC Assessment
Issue 3: Three Ideas for Assessing Intercultural and Pragmatic Competence
Issue 4: Writing Rubrics
Volume 6: Folktales
Issue 1: Learning Language and Culture through Folktales
Issue 2: Multiculturalism and Folktales
Volume 7: Retrospective
Issue 1: 2023 Recap
Volume 8: Language as a Way of Knowing
Issue 1: Introduction
Issue 2: Use Language to Create as You Learn
Issue 3: Linguistic Landscapes
Issue 4: Found Poetry
Issue 5: Remixed Feedback
Issue 6: Collage Comparisons
Volume 9: Human & Extended Intelligences
Issue 1: Human Intelligences + AI
Issue 2: Picking the Right AI Tool for You
Issue 3: Articulating Clear Expectations of Use for AI
Issue 4: AI and Interculturality
Issue 5: AI and 21st Century Skills
Issue 6: Using Pragmatics Repositories to Supplement AI
Issue 7: Using AI Additively
Volume 10: Summer Fun
Issue 1: Summer Fun
Volume 11: Back to Basics
Issue 1: Idioms: Everyday Poetry
Issue 2: It’s Music to Our Ears
Issue 3: Reading with Graphic Novels
Issue 4: Greatest Hits
Issue 5: Reading with Graphic Novels Pt. 2
Issue 6: Pitch and Tone
Issue 7: Language Rhythm
Issue 8: Humor
Issue 9: Vocalizing Vowels
Volume 12: Collaborative Tasks & Games
Issue 1: Games in Education
Issue 2: A Closer Look at Collaboration
Issue 3: 2024 in Review!
Volume 13: Pragmatics Resources
Issue 1: Power in Communication!
Issue 2: Politeness!
Issue 3: Imposition!
Issue 4: Social Distance!
Volume 14: Emotional Health in the Classroom
Issue 1: Strategies for Anxiety in Language Learning
For InterCom Issues prior to April 27, 2023, click here
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